Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mumfest Raffle

Since Lisa Bisbee is a talented artist as well as a graphic designer, we kicked around the idea of having her paint an 18" x 18" canvass, capturing the image of the flower in the 2012 poster  and sell raffle tickets with the drawing being held the Monday  after the festival (October 15).

Would like to hear if our followers think it would be successful. If the tickets are 3 for $5…would you buy a ticket?

Susan Moffat Thomas


  1. I think it's a terrific idea and would definately buy some tickets for a chance to win Lisa Bisbee's artwork! Especially since MUMFEST 2012 will be another historical event for New Bern to mark in it's books! Great job on your new blog! - Wendy Card

  2. I definitely think it would be successful. Please keep us posted if this does move forward! Thanks!
