Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Establishing the organization and defining its mission

In June 1976, while serving as past president of the New Bern-Craven County Chamber of Commerce, Doug Davis conceived the idea and provided the leadership that led to the creation of the Downtown Revitalization Committee (DRC), the forerunner of Swiss Bear. This small committee with a representative from the Chamber (Doug Davis), Downtown Merchants Association, Redevelopment Commission, City of New Bern and a Craven County Commissioner had gained broad-based community-wide support of people who had a vested interest in downtown.
At their July 12, 1977 meeting, Doug Davis told interested citizens, merchants and landowners, “this Committee was given the mandate to see that a Central Business District Revitalization Plan, to include architectural study if necessary, was accomplished. With help from the Board of Aldermen, City, Merchants and Land owners, this step has been completed and we are now ready to turn our responsibilities over to another entity that will work with local government  and proceed implementing the plan, if this is the wish of those present”. Moving forward was enthusiastically endorsed by all attendees.
On April 5, 1979, during a public meeting in the Tryon Palace Auditorium, the DRC’s responsibilities were transferred to the new, yet to be named 501(c) 3 nonprofit to reflect its status as a nonprofit, community-based organization that would:
·         Actively work in partnership with local government to tap the resources of the business community in carrying out the redevelopment of the downtown area and its waterfront.
·         Develop a vision and plan of work with achievable short and long term goals and objectives.
·         Promote cooperation between the local government and downtown business community.
·         Solicit and receive contributions, gifts, property and grants, exclusively in furtherance of the purposes of the corporation.
The proposed new board members were introduced and attorney, David Henderson carried out the task of filing Articles of Incorporation and obtaining IRS tax-exempt status. John Green suggested Swiss Bear, Inc. for the new organization’s name as it related to the founding of the city by a native of Bern, Switzerland.
Per the by-laws, the Board of Directors consisted of nine members by virtue of their office; New Bern Historic Foundation  (New Bern Preservation Foundation), New Bern Historical Society, New Bern City Government, New Bern City Administration, Craven County Government, Craven County Administration, Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Merchants Association and the New Bern City Planning Board.  Nine additional at-large members representing a broad cross-section of the community were appointed to serve three year terms.
Over the years, representation was amended and expanded to include CarolinaEast Health System, Craven Arts Council & Gallery, Craven Community College, Municipal Service District Advisory Committee and City Department of Development Services and Public Works, Craven County Economic Development Commission and the Tourism Development Authority, eighteen at-large members and ten with the designation of Emeritus. In the 1990’s, the name was changed to Swiss Bear Downtown Development Corporation for more clarity.

In 1981, when New Bern became a Main Street City, Swiss Bear and the local government determined the 501(c) 3 organizational model should continue.  As a free standing private nonprofit Main Street organization, it could qualify for grants, solicit tax deductible contributions for projects and fundraising campaigns and it would force the organization to remain focused on its role/mission. In comparison, as a City Department, the downtown director would be a city employee with either a department of their own or be within a department such as Planning or Public Works and with a change in political leadership programs could be eliminated. Currently 21 of the 58 NC Main Street Cities have the 501(c) 3 designation.
As a 501(c) 3 nonprofit, the challenge to insure the organization’s sustainability is having the continuity of stable board, staff, volunteers and adequate funding.  Membership restrictions, allowing only friends of the organization, prevents raising revenue though membership dues. From its beginning, the City and County supported Swiss Bear by providing annual appropriations for two thirds of the budget and the organization raised the remaining third. For the past two years, for economic reasons, the County denied our request for an appropriation. The City’s annual appropriation funds 30% of the budget and Swiss Bear raises the remainder through private contributions and MUMFEST proceeds. Swiss Bear’s long term sustainability, without government support, is questionable.
Since its founding, the volunteer Board of Director’s meets the third Thursday of every month. A draft Program of Work, presented for Board approval in January, summarizes current/on-going and new projects, defines goals and objectives and assigns deadlines and responsibilities for each project. Because local government plays a major role in downtown’s economic growth, the City, County and Swiss Bear have worked closely to restructure downtown’s economic base.  By collaborating with the business community and community groups, developing innovative solutions, initiating and facilitating projects and fundraising campaigns, Swiss Bear facilitates projects that assist local government in creating a vibrant downtown district.
Over the past 35 years, Swiss Bear raised in excess of $8,000,000 (directly or played a vital role) for downtown projects through fundraising campaigns, grants and property donations to the city. This does not include attracting development projects that added millions in public and private investment, increased sales and tax revenues and property values, the expansion of tourism into a major industry or the creation of hundreds of jobs.
Entrepreneurial in its approach, Swiss Bear’s reputation for seizing opportunities, developing projects, and taking the necessary risks to effect change is widely recognized and respected.  Swiss Bear’s tangible and measurable accomplishments clearly demonstrate the value of a nonprofits service to the community and the broad based renewal that began in 1970’s is having a positive economic impact on all of Craven County.
Since 1979, eight community leaders have served as chairman: Doug Davis, Joe Stallings, Harold Talton, Lonnie Pridgen, Ricky Brown, Marvin Raines, Alex Badger, Al Coley, Ernie Richardson and Bob Mattocks (currently)
Executive directors; Kay Williams (1981-1983), Marvin Davis (1983-85), Susan Moffat Thomas (1985 to present).

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