Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tryon Palace Fife & Drum Corps - A Call For New Members

Tryon Palace Fife & Drum Corps
On Tuesday, Florence Wootten, a member of the Tryon Palace Fife & Drum Corps came to our office inquiring if there was any possible way the Corps could  perform at the festival. She said, in 2005, Tryon Palace initiated  this new program to re-create a colonial fife and drum corps as musicians were an important part of the 18th century military. Captain John F. West, New Bern Police Department, is an instructor and played a major role in organizing this new program now directed by Kim Bennett. The program and membership has grown in skill and reputation and the Corps play
at many events year round, in and out of the area.

Florence plays the fife and thought being able to perform in the festival would be the perfect way for the group to “show their colors” and recruit new members.  We agreed, and fortunately had an opening. They will perform in the Dance-arena area (parking area between the county administration building and the Sudan Temple) on Saturday, October 13th at 3:30 p.m. We are excited to add them to the list of performers in this venue, a very popular festival attraction featuring local dance groups showcasing a broad range of talent in this community.

Anyone 10 and over can join the group. Musical experience is not a requirement, though helpful.  Festival-goers are invited to come and enjoy their performance. Corps members will be available following their performance to answer questions and encourage people to join. So if you’ve ever played in a band, or wanted to, or just want to have fun and make new friends, now is the time to consider joining the Tryon Palace Fife & Drum  Corps. This unique performing group  is one of Tryon Palaces’  most visible and popular programs.

Susan Moffat-Thomas
Executive Director

Tryon Palace Fife & Drum Corps...on the move.

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